Magnificent Book Reviews in K19 Week 6

Wow, what super reviews we had last week in K19.  The children are choosing to review such a variety of texts and it is so interesting listening to their opinions and thoughts on their chosen stories.

Charlie loved 'Bad Guys' and told us all about this funny story.

Lily did a Keynote presentation on 'The Blue Day Book', a special book about how to cheer yourself up.

Oscar did a wonderful presentation on a Geronimo Stilton novel called 'Treasure Island'.  His very creative poster is up in K19.

Rhaea presented a wonderful review on a classic - 'Charlotte's Web'.  Mrs Hill loved this book when she was younger and is so pleased it is still being read today!

And Esmee chose a non-fiction text all about cats!!  We enjoyed all the photos of different cats and listening to Esmee tell us about her favourite cat - the Mancoon!


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