
Showing posts from February, 2019

Kererū 19 - Our class visitor

Rhaea's Puppy! We were lucky to have a special visitor in Kererū 19 this week. Rhaea brought in her puppy to meet us all.  She was a BIG HIT!!  

Aquagym - Kererū 19

Aquagym Week!  The children had a wonderful time last week swimming at Aquagym. Many of them learned new skills and a highlight was making the huge whirlpool on the last day of swimming! 

K21 Goal Setting For 2019

         As part of writing last week, the children have been thinking of goals that they would like to achieve for the year. Here are a few examples of what the children wrote. I am learning to write smaller so I have room for words in my sentences.  I want to get better at my subtraction because I have to use my hands. My goal is to do reading with new words by sounding them out. I need to get better at knowing new sounds like albatross. I need to get better at cross country because I need to keep my pace. Nina I  want to get better at subtraction in maths. My goal is to write my words correctly and make sure I write to the end of the line. I must remember to start at the red line.   My goal is to read the tricky words in books instead of looking at the pictures.Sammie I want to learn the 8 times tables in maths. I need to read all the words rather than missing words when I read a book. I need to make sure that I u...

K21 AquaGym Week

First Day at Aquagym for Kererū 20

Kererū 20 were on the bus bright and early this morning for our first swim at Aquagym.  After being put into groups, they started their lessons with lots of learning on floating, arm circles, kicking and breathing techniques.  What amazing swimmers we have!!  They were a delight to take on the bus and even seemed a little sleepy on our trip back to school!  Kererū 20 are in the pool from 10.00 - 10.30am, if you feel like popping down to see them in action.

All About Me bags today in K19...

Today Ethan braved the audience and shared some special treasures that told us a little more about him.  He loves visiting Castle Hill with his family, biking - he even has special biking gloves, and playing hockey.  He also goes to Cubs and had many impressive badges to show off. It was lovely to learn a little more about you Ethan!!  We are looking forward to hearing all about the last few children tomorrow.

Happy LOVE Day from Kererū 19!!

Happy Love Day from the sweethearts of K19 The children of Kererū 19 had a great time making some wee heart creatures today to celebrate Love Day!!  We hope they made it home, safe and sound.  It was a lovely way to remind us to tell those special people in our lives that we love them and appreciate them! 

Happy Valentines Day!

Today we made Happy Hearts for a special person in our lives.

More beautiful ME bags!

Kayden shared some fabulous items about himself and showed us his cool Build a Bot Ant! Ella shared some beautiful photos of her at QE11 and on the biscuit. WE all think she loves the water! Ella loves her Lamington bear too! Campbell shared some really cool books he enjoys reading at home - impressive Campbell! Sri Lashya shared her beautiful family photo album and also her special Tiger she likes to sleep with at night.

Collaborative Kereru!

We have been talking about our kahui birds and why we are the Kereru. We have been learning some really interesting facts about the Kereru. We all created a Block Poster of a Kereru and have it up on the wall for all to enjoy. We were really pleased how it all fitted together.

More ME BAGS from Kereru 20!

Today we listened to more fabulous children sharing their ME bags. What a lovely time for us all to find out some really interesting things from each person. Isabel talked about her amazing holiday visits to Nebraska each year to see family - how lucky are you! Amelia shared some special treasures and a beautiful piwakawaka(fantail) fairy - she is beautiful!  Stella shared her special toys and blanket she has had since she was a baby - so soft and cute! Cameron showed us a picture of her gorgeous dog and also when she visited Australia Zoo - Lucky! Evan presented his ME bag as an amazing powerpoint. He talked about living in Perth and his fun family holidays in the Catlins. Awesome!  Monica shared her big trophy from their annual Potato Growing competition where she won the first prize. Well done. Afarina read us a beautiful poem from favourite poetry book and also shared her princess bear.  Amelia shared two beautiful books with gor...